A delicious summer salad with polenta, vegetables and honey vinaigrette (recipe included). Serve as a side or a light meal.
Products relating to this recipe:
Cake Pudding Ring
R889.00 inc. VatSelect options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Cake Pan
R448.00 inc. VatSelect options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Small Round Plate
R158.00 inc. VatSelect options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Deep Salad/Mixer
R780.00 inc. VatSelect options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
- 500 g Chocolate Cake Pre-Mix (CAB-Foods/Pillsbury/Golden Cloud)
- 250 ml sparkling water
- 125 ml oil
- 4 eggs
Prepare the Cake Pudding Ring: Spray with non-stick spray and line the Cake Pudding Ring with a kitchen paper towel*.
Mix all the ingredients in the Deep Salad/Mixer. Beat on medium speed until thoroughly combined. Pour the batter into the lined Cake Pudding Ring and microwave for 9 – 10 minutes on High. Set aside for 2 minutes and remove from the pan. Let it cool completely and decorate with anything of your choice like Caramel, Buttercream Icing or Ganache.
TIP: * Microwave Cakes tend to become soggy while baking. To avoid this, use a paper kitchen towel. Cut out a circle to fit the bottom of the Cake Pudding Ring and pour your batter onto it. It doesn’t need to completely cover the bottom, just remember to grease your cake ring before adding the paper. The towel absorbs the excess moisture leaving you with a perfectly cooked, light and fluffy cake!
- 500 g sjokoladekoekmengsel (CAB-Foods/Pillsbury/Golden Cloud)
- 250 ml water (sparkling water)
- 125 ml olie
- 4 eiers
Berei die Cake Pudding Ring voor: Spuit met kleefwerende sproei en voer uit met ‘n kombuispapier*.
Meng al die bestanddele in ‘n Deep Salad/Mixer. Klits op medium spoed tot deeglik gemeng. Gooi die beslag in die gevoerde koekringpan en mikrogolf vir 9 – 10 minute op Hoog. Hou eenkant vir 2 minute en haal uit die pan. Laat dit heeltemal afkoel en versier met enige iets van jou keuse: karamel, botterroomversiersel of ganache.
WENK: * Mikrogolfkoeke is geneig om klam en pap te word. Om dit te vermy, gebruik kombuispapier. Knip ‘n sirkel uit om die onderkant van die koekringpan te pas en gooi jou beslag daarop. Dit hoef nie die bodem heeltemal te bedek nie, onthou net om jou koekring te smeer voor jy die papier byvoeg. Die kombuispapier absorbeer die oortollige vog en laat jou met ‘n perfek gaar, ligte en donserige koek!
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Een van ons Argilla treffers! Maklik en heerlik. Bedien met varsgebakte broodrolletjies en slaaitjie aan die kant.