Argilla Pottery Online Shop

Wonderlik! Voltooi asseblief die vorm / Great! Please complete the form

Om die vorm te voltooi verlang ons 'n kopie van jou ID, 'n kop en skouer foto van jou asook jou bewys van betaling (indien nodig). Kry dus eers alles gereed voordat jy die vorm begin invul. / In order to complete this form we will need a copy of your ID, a head and shoulders photograph of you as well as your proof of payment (if necessary). Please get everything ready before you start to fill in the form.

Bank Besonderhede / Banking Details

Name: Argilla Stoneware
Acc No: 409 492 1325
Branch: 632005

Name: Argilla Stoneware
Acc No: 6277 895 5925
Branch: 230234

Webwerf en Sosiale Media / Website and Social Media
Argilla Pottery/Stoneware is 'n geregistreerde handelsmerk en mag nie gebruik word as deel van jou webwerf adres, epos adres of enige sosiale media platvorm nie. Verkry toestemming by Argilla hoofkantoor voordat jy enige webwerf, aanlyn bemarking of sosiale media platvorm opstel. Argilla behou die reg om enige platvorm wat verkeerde informasie bevat of enigsins die maatskappy skade kan aandoen, te rapporteer en/of te laat toemaak. / Please note that the Argilla Pottery/Stoneware name is a registered trade name and may not be used as part of your website address, email address or any social media platform. Before you set up any website, online marketing or social media platform you have to contact Argilla Head Office for permission and more information. Argilla reserves the right to report and/or close any platform with incorrect information that could harm the company.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Baie dankie. Hannari sal jou binnekort kontak en verwelkom. Ons hoop dat jy dit sal geniet hier by Argilla Pottery en dat jy groot sukses met jou besigheid sal behaal! Wenk: Om as 'n span te werk maak dit makliker om jou mikpunt te behaal - vra dus jou kollega's, vriende of familie om deel van jou span te word en sien hoe jou besigheid groei.

Thank you. Hannari will contact you shortly to welcome you to our team. We hope that you'll enjoy it here at Argilla Pottery and that you'll reach great success with your business! Tip: You'll reach your targets easier when you work as a team. Ask your colleagues, friends or family to join your team and see your business grow.